UKSSSC Van Daroga Admit Card 2023 (Out) Uttarakhand Forest Inspector Exam

August 2024 · 3 minute read

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UKSSSC Van Daroga Admit Card 2023 (Date: 5th June) | Uttarakhand Forest Inspector Admit Card/ UK Van Daroga Admit Card @

UKSSSC Van Daroga Admit Card 2023: Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UKSSSC) has released the Hall Ticket for applied candidates to conduct the Van Daroga Test. You are advised to download the UKSSSC Forest Inspector Admit Card and take the printout for the same. The UKSSSC Van Daroga test is scheduled to be conducted on 11th June 2023. So, you can go through the below sections to know the UKSSSC Van Daroga Call Letter details and Forest Inspector Admit Card. To appear for the job, you should get the UKSSSC Admit Card for recruitment.

Applicants are advised to check the UKSSSC Van Daroga Hall ticket details before the test. As per schedule, the UKSSSC Van Daroga Exam will be conducted on 11th June 2023. The UKSSSC Van Daroga Hall Ticket contains important details such as the test center, date, and time, along with the roll number. It is essential for aspirants to get the UKSSSC Forest Inspector Hall Ticket from the portal using the Admit Card Link.

Details of UKSSSC Forest Inspector Admit Card 2023/ UKSSSC Admit Card

Board NameUttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UKSSSC)
Test NameVan Daroga
Date11th June 2023
Admit Card Date5th June 2023

Uttarakhand Van Daroga Admit Card 2023/ UK Forest Inspector Admit Card

The Uttarakhand Van Daroga Admit Card 2023 usually contains the following details:

It is important to verify all the details given in the UKSSSC Van Daroga Hall Ticket. In case of any discrepancy, candidates should immediately report to the concerned authorities for modification. It is also recommended to keep a copy of the UK Forest Inspector Admit Card till the end of the admission process.

Steps to Download UKSSSC Van Daroga Admit Card 2023/ UK Forest Inspector Admit Card

To download the UK Forest Inspector Admit Card, please follow these steps:

Important Links

Admit CardDownload Here
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UKSSSC invited application forms for Van Daroga recruitment on the official site for vacant positions. You are advised to check the news available on the website about the UKSSSC Van Daroga Hall Ticket. The details of the career schedule for the Van Daroga Exam are available on the website as well. And follow the site to get news about UKSSSC Van Daroga Admit Card.
